Your brand should be your biggest source of business

It works 24/7/365. Never needs time off. Never has a bad day. It’s the perfect sales person.

About GoldQuest Branding

GoldQuest Branding isn’t a product. It’s a system that will take your business to the next level. Whether your a plumber, a creative, a retailer, or a professional service provider, the GoldQuest Branding System will give you the Brand Path you need to turn your business plan into actionable tactics.

The GoldQuest Branding System Delivers So Much More Than a Better Logo

When you start on the journey of brand discovery, you need a guide who has been down this path before. I’m Anthony Sakovich, and I developed The GoldQuest Branding System based on four decades of helping businesses just like yours communicate their whole image to their best potential customers.

Are you up for an adventure?

Why Choose GoldQuest Branding


40 years of strategic brand development and twenty years of web design combine to make a unique resource for Growing Businesses.


I started by servicing Mom & Pop stores in small towns. Now, I've built brand sites for anything from Saddles to Satellites. You definitely fit somewhere in there.


I only take clients when I have time to get their work done FAST. The GoldQuest Branding System has a turnaround time that will surprise you.


Small businesses rarely have huge budgets. We need you to have money left over to implement your new brand path, so I am very conscious of your budget and needs.

Click on the logo to start your journey